Saturday, January 28, 2012

Cancer Blog Community - Blog For A Cure

I wanted to share a website for you to check out.

It has been a great place to find information from people in the trenches with us.  There are literally thousands of blogs in there by people at various stages in their journey.  Not just survivors but also family members looking for anything to carry them through.

It can be broken down into types of cancer, stage of cancer, location of blogger, etc.

Click on the 'members' link, 'type of cancer', then there is a drop down box 'select cancer type'. 

You can also click on the 'members' link, then 'location directory' and break things down by area.

You can also narrow it down by the kind of chemo drug, etc.

Right now there are 111 Tonsil blogs.  We started by looking for people currently going through treatments. Very interested in people just out of treatment to see how they're doing now.  Of course, we did gravitate as well to our fellow Canadians (who find Tim Horton's icecaps helpful!!).

It is another area where we get and give a lot of support and encouragement ourselves.  We've even found someone recently through his treatment from SW Ontario whose wife is a Realtor! 

It made us appreciate the journey we got dealt after reading what other people have gone through.  Like the sign in town that reads:  "If everybody threw their problems in the middle of the would want yours back".

If you or someone you know has a cancer question or like us lost in the storm looking for answers and hope...check it out.  You'll be glad you did.  I wish we had found it sooner and interacted more often.  I'm coming across lots of tips and tricks I wish we had for a more preventative approach to side effects.  We have a countertop full of 'something for this and something for that' ... but they're all drugs just to fix something now that it's broken.  I say, if there's a way to stop it from being broken in the first place...go for it!!  We've already paid it forward to many at LRCP during our treatments who wonder what the slimy stuff is I put on Ken's face as soon as he is done.  Even the Dr.'s and technicians comment on how well his skin looks so I hope they pass it on as well.  It's all about helping each other.

Keep in mind, as we do, everyone's journey is unique.  Side effects may be similar or not at all similar.  Hypochondriacs beware!  You don't have to try everything or believe everything you read. 

Do what feels right for you.  If it doesn't sit right, listen to your little voice.  Don't we all wish we did that more often??


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the link. We have very dear friends whose 23 year old son has just been diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma. He begins treatment at Credit Valley next week. I know your positive attitudes gave you strength to get through the treatments. Kudos to Ken for continuing to eat food that tasted like wet blankets without his taste buds. Not losing weight meant you didn't need a new mask. A great accomplishment. Now I want to know about what he will be savouring as those taste buds return.
